General support
General support
General support covers all sorts of things that might be going on with your system & the way it’s responding to things like pain, stress, sleep, mood, digestion, fatigue, hormone changes, illness or injury.
stress & anxiety
So many things come back to stress management in regards to our health. Stress has negative impacts on the immune system, ageing, mood, inflammation, and pain. Acupuncture has been shown to have a positive effect on all of the above.
Managing stress and anxiety through Acupuncture and TCM has been shown to help in regulating our nervous system response, getting us out of “fight or flight”, and into repair-mode. This is important for allowing your system to feel safe, and ready to heal. The benefits of Acupuncture for stress and anxiety also includes the release of endorphins, which are important in the regulation of stress responses & perception of stress.
For those taking medication, Acupuncture and herbal medicine is safe to use in conjunction with existing treatment plans, & follows the highest TGA-approved standards.
One of the benefits of Acupuncture is that it works on your “rest and restore” / parasympathetic nervous system in regulating your body’s readiness for rest & sleep.
Acupuncture may also improve sleep by increasing levels of the amino acid GABA, which also functions as a neurotransmitter and helps to promote relaxation and rest. Research shows an improvement in sleep quality and psychological health in those who suffer from insomnia, and that Acupuncture in conjunction with medication was more effective than medication alone.
For those taking medication, Acupuncture and herbal medicine is safe to use in conjunction with existing treatment plans, & follows the highest TGA-approved standards.